Wednesday 8 February 2012

Feedback from rough cut


When looking at our feedback we have been given for our rough cut of our music video we as a group have decided that we need to seriously think about our video and the changing of major parts.
Our feedback from our audience was:
  • Unclear narrative- making it hard to follow
  • Editing not matching
  • Strobe lighting scene was not visible enough
  • Needs to look more professional- instead of just walking through London
  • Performance? Needs to show the performer being more of an artist, promotional vehicle
  • More of a link with lyrics and visuals

We have a lot to be done. Even though what we wanted to be created was great in our heads on screen it looked amateur. We need to do more filming so that we can be comfortable while editing knowing that we have extra filming if we have parts that have not been filmed. We want flexibility when editing.

Things we are going to change:

We are going to make a link with the lyrics and the visuals better, as our video didn't actually match half of the lyrics. We should have thought about what the lyrics were insinuating and how we could have linked them in to the video.
We are also going to add more performance into our music video. We need the artist to be singing in the video so that the song promotes the artist as well as just the song. The more views of the artist the more fans are going to want to watch the video.
We are going to make the video as a whole look more professional and realistic by improving the editing and taking away the strobe lights. The strobe lights make it extremely hard to see what is actually going on in the Chorus.
The last thing we are going to do is make the story better known, for example at the moment viewers do not know why the girl is in the video we are going to ensure that it is easy to follow and know exactly why actors and actresses are involved in the video.

What we are going to keep the same:
We are happy with our actor and actress, we are going to keep them the same and some of the footage is really good with lighting and scenery so that will be kept as well.

Here we have already started editing our new video!

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