Monday 30 January 2012

Rough cut

gif makerHere is the rough cut of our video. This was the first time editing for myself and Vicky. We both took on the role of editing and worked well together, sharing the work fairly. Final Cut editing was a lot harder then we thought it was going to be. It was definitely a lot harder then editing the animation that me and Vicky edited. We felt that it was going to be quite similar but it was actually A LOT different because with the animatic our main focus was when each clip was meant to change, on the different counts of the beat. However with the actual editing, we had to ensure we got the right amount of clip because stretching it to however long we wanted it was not an option. We could only stretch it to how long the clip was. We also had to render each clip after editing it. Although myself and Vicky were working well together having to render every clip after editing it was extremely time consuming.We were able to quickly find out how to render it, edit and cut it and also add in effects such as cross dissolves and desaturated images.
Things I will do differently when editing for the final cut.
Myself and Vicky have looked at the rough cut and decided on a few things that we will definitely change in the final cut. We are going to change the lighting on some of the clips so that the lighting matches the scene and mood we are setting. some parts we filmed are in light when they should be in dark etc. We want to create continuity and the same house style. We want our video to make sense.
At one point during filming out camera run out of battery, as we borrowed the camera we were not giving the battery for it. We were not going to let this stop us, so for the rough cut we decided to use another digital device. We forgot to ensure that the digital divide was landscape and unfortunately the filming came out portrait. We didn't have time to re-film to before the rough cut was due in so have decided that will be one of our first priorities to do for the final cut.

As we expected some of our timings of clips were out compared to our animatic. We didn't mind this but we want to make sure there still in beat. so we will go through and ensure that they match the song perfectly.

Here are some images of the editing process

Gif maker

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