Friday 17 February 2012

Research into our digipack

When looking into research for my digipack, it was clear to see I had to look at other same genre of music CD or album covers. I needed to know exactly what it is that first attracts the buyer to the CD or ALBUM - The front cover.
The front cover and the rest of the digipack. The digipack is something that the buyer can take home, its there's to keep.
I looked at a couple of bands that I felt has similar music taste to Bloc Party- as this is the band I am doing the digipack on.
Similar bands with the same genre:
1. Cold play
2. U2

First I will start with the album cover.

Cold play album covers

U2 album covers

Looking at both U2 and Cold plays albums it is clear to see that they have a coherent house style that can be used for examples and ideas for when we create our front cover. The bands pictures on the front of their albums are also quite plain but extremely eye catching. They catch the attention of the buyer. Although not all of them have a picture of the band on the front cover, looking at both bands albums some of them do. This helps sell the record as the buyer gets to see pictures of the singers as well as here them.
Although the pictures on each album cover change the font always stays either exactly the same of slightly similar, for example the band names U2 and COLD PLAY are always in the same font. Cold play also keep the name of the album in the same font. Keeping a great house style to the albums. With out the name of the band a customer or a fan would still know that it was a Cold play.

From looking at both of these albums I now know exactly what I need to do to make sure my front cover is unique yet keeps a house style and fits the genre of music.

I will research other Bloc party album covers keeping in mind about the house style and font style.

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