Tuesday 3 April 2012

Evaluation 3 (By Emily, Vicky, Sophie and Voke)

What audience feed back did you receive?

When creating the three platforms that we did we knew that audience feedback was vital. We needed to know what people thought of it and if they felt they would buy the music video.
For our rough cut we asked our media class and teacher to look at it and make notes. Make notes on what they felt was great about the music video and what needed improving. We used our media class as we were sure that they were going to know what went well and not only what to improve but how they felt it could be made better. Although our teacher isn't in our target audience for the music video like our media class we knew that by not only getting good point and bad points from her but sitting down with her and analysing the video and how we could make it better would be a great. We received feedback from the media teacher and students saying things such as: "Great story line" "Nice cuts" "The use of lip syncing in the video added great realism" some negatives of the music video were: "The strobe lighting follows on for too long" "the editing needs to be slightly faster and more like your animatic" "The signs are shown for too long". Over all our media students and teacher enjoyed the story line of the music video and the transitions that we used but felt that our cuts could be faster and our actual footage could be shown less frequent and for not so long.

After our rough cut was edited and we had made improvements we then put it on "Face book" for the general public to comment. We felt that this would help us receive a range of comments rather then comments from media students and teachers. The comments were varied and helped us a lot as each comment was different and praised us on different things and felt we could so better on different things as well. Many of our friends on "Face book" are music fans anyway so it was great to hear there view and I knew that their view would be critical yet realistic.
Here are the comments we received from out music video below. Overall they were all quite positive and gave us good insight to what we did well. The majority of people liked the story line, felt that the lip syncing when we have a split screen of both our actor and actress was great and that the new chorus had fast paced cuts that matched the tempo of the music. Here it was clear to see we had improved on our editing since the rough cut.

Here Sophie made a wall for the viewers that were not on Face book.

We also had a small private viewing for both of the media classes to view each others final music videos and comment on them. This was really insightful as it was nice to see people enjoying our music video and being extremely analytical while watching it. Our media class all wrote their comments on a piece of paper for myself and the group to analysis. Our comments from the rough cut were extremely different to the new comments. The new comments from our media class were that they enjoyed the new fast up beat chorus, they felt that our video as a whole was a lot more clearer and the lip syncing had really been improved. They also felt that the genre of the music video was really captured and shown through acting. This shows that we really researched our target audience and created ways of showing it through our music video.

For our digipak we went through the process of asking for our teachers view as we knew that it would be critical but valuable. Her experience and her critical view helped when showing the digipak to her because we knew that we were sure to get the truth about the positives and the negatives of the digipak. Our teacher felt that our music advert was great but our CD cover didn't match it well enough, this is when we decided to create two digipaks. This way our music advert would cater for both. We researched artists that had two covers fro their CD's and Albums such as Jessie J and Cold play and felt that we were in the correct position to do so. After doing this our media teacher felt that we had shown a great use of skills when making thew digipak and music advert and that we linked them really well together.

I feel that our audience felt that our music video suited our genre well, was suitable for our target audience and captured a interesting story line. Overall 80% of our target audience felt that our music video was a great representative of the song and about 40% of that statistic meet our target audience and fit into the genre we aimed to please. We feel we have met the demands of a INDIE music video however with out our target audience feed back we wouldn't have been able to do this.

Here is a video of what people thought of our music video and digipak:

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