Wednesday 29 February 2012

Music Adverts

For our Ancillary task we also have to make an Advert selling our music video that we have made. Before we start looking into what we want to do, we have to look at what other artists have done and see if we can take any ideas from there work. The adverts we are looking at are professional, real life adverts, getting ideas from that will make our advert look more realistic and sell better.

make gif
Make gif

Here are a couple of adverts we have looked at, we should use these features to make our advert look realistic. Things that we like about each one and are hoping to use are..

Rhianna: The fact that her album is in the right corner is a great way of selling it. It shows viewers exactly what they are going to get. We will definitely be using this!

Jessie J : On Jessie J's poster there are business icons down the bottom of the advert. We will be using this as it shows the professionalism of the advert and how well know the artist.

Ellie Golding: has a unique house style on her advert, her title matches the same colour as her hair, although we will not be using this colour we will be using the sense of a house style.

Noah and the whale: We like that on the Noah and the whale advert they have a star rating of their songs, we are going to use this, it shows how our songs have been rated and can encourage people to buy our album.

Cold play: On the cold play advert, they have a promotional quote, telling viewers to order from Itunes and get a CD delivered straight away. We want to use this as we want to promote our album as much as possible.


Our final cut!!

Untitled from Sophie on Vimeo.

Monday 27 February 2012

Editing our music video in final cut

When we were first introduced to Final cut, neither myself or any of the group knew how to use it. We had never used Final cut before and was unsure of how to use it and what the features and benefits of it were. Once filming our video we knew that we needed to use overlays and cross dissolves to make our video look professional!
Here we are changing the colours of our video to make it less bleached out.You do this by going onto Colour and Hue saturation. This way we are able to edit the colour to the perfect set we want it to be. Making our video look better.
Here me and Vicky are checking through our editing for the last finishing touches.

Here we are rendering the filming. This is so that we can edit it and change the video. Here we have desaturated the image to make it black and white adding a different effect to our video. To do this we went on "Edit" "desaturated"

On the top three images we added in over lays, desaturation and split screens to add to our Indie music video and make it look professional and more realistic. We also tried to make it look similar to the research we had done and Bloc Party's music videos.

Research into the making of our Digipak

When talking to our teacher with my group we came to the conclusion that our front cover needs to link with whats in the video. When the audience watch the video and then want to buy the album they need to be able to know what album links with the video with out having to look at the title and the band name. This means something from our music video must be on the front. We need to keepa tangible link between all three of our media products.
After thinking hard we realised that the front cover we wanted to use, would be unacceptable as that scenery wasn't featured in our music video. Therefore we have decided that we can still keep it for the CD holder as we want to also keep a link between the band as well as our video. By keeping this we making a link between our digipak and other Bloc party.

Here is the layout of our digipak that we have to adhere to, we have the front cover, the inside cover, the CD holder and the back cover to create!

Here is what the two of our digipaks would look like on the layout of the CD we have. They are both of our digipaks as we made two because we had to house styles that we wanted to meet.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Research into digipack

After looking at other similar bands albums covers I am now going to look at Bloc party's other albums covers.
This way I can see what parts of the album covers are used again and again and which parts I should keep on my album cover to make a house style.
Bloc party album covers

When looking at Bloc party's albums I noticed that their title was the same on all albums. The titles also included a false stop after their band name. This is a great sense of house style. That I feel we should keep when doing our front cover. Buyers will recognise Bloc party's albums by the font of the title and the specific full stop after the bands name. We want our Album to be recognised so therefore the same font and full stop should be used on our album too, making the house style follow throughout. The font as shown will always be in white. And the song name underneath the bands name will be kept slightly smaller.
The album cover picture have been selected in an extremely clever way. The top left picture is named "Silent alarm" They have created a silent alarm by putting a picture on the front which has nothing but trees in the background on a winters night. There is nothing around except the trees making the surroundings silent. The picture and the title gives an ominous sense to it.

The second album with two people kissing, is called "Intimacy" there is nothing more intimate then two people kissing. Its simple yet effective and explains the song title easily.

The albums another weekend in the city, has a picture of bright lights on a big building in the city. They way Bloc party have explained their titles in simple yet effective way is exactly what we want to do.
When looking at the albums we have chosen to research from there are not any photographs of the band members of Bloc party so we will not be using a picture of the band or people pretending to be the band.


Now we need to find our font that we want to use, we know that we want the exact same as the other albums, we just need to find it now! We are going to use the website we used when creating our AS media work...
We came across the font "Abeat by Kai" which looked quite circular and similar to the font used therefore we downloaded it and thought we would have a look at it on a real photograph as a almost template.

Now that we feel we have our font sorted we need to see how it looks on a photograph. A lot of Bloc party's album covers were location shots, so we decided that first of all we will see what our font looks like on a location photo of ours seeing as we had taken a lot when filming.

Here me and Vicky edited our location picture and then Sophie added on the text. We feel that for a first attempt it looks pretty similar. We've kept the theme of locations and have kept the font style so that a house style is kept throughout all albums.

Here is how we made it...

Vicky put a little collage together of Bloc party's albums including ours..

Can you tell the difference?

Friday 17 February 2012

Research into our digipack

When looking into research for my digipack, it was clear to see I had to look at other same genre of music CD or album covers. I needed to know exactly what it is that first attracts the buyer to the CD or ALBUM - The front cover.
The front cover and the rest of the digipack. The digipack is something that the buyer can take home, its there's to keep.
I looked at a couple of bands that I felt has similar music taste to Bloc Party- as this is the band I am doing the digipack on.
Similar bands with the same genre:
1. Cold play
2. U2

First I will start with the album cover.

Cold play album covers

U2 album covers

Looking at both U2 and Cold plays albums it is clear to see that they have a coherent house style that can be used for examples and ideas for when we create our front cover. The bands pictures on the front of their albums are also quite plain but extremely eye catching. They catch the attention of the buyer. Although not all of them have a picture of the band on the front cover, looking at both bands albums some of them do. This helps sell the record as the buyer gets to see pictures of the singers as well as here them.
Although the pictures on each album cover change the font always stays either exactly the same of slightly similar, for example the band names U2 and COLD PLAY are always in the same font. Cold play also keep the name of the album in the same font. Keeping a great house style to the albums. With out the name of the band a customer or a fan would still know that it was a Cold play.

From looking at both of these albums I now know exactly what I need to do to make sure my front cover is unique yet keeps a house style and fits the genre of music.

I will research other Bloc party album covers keeping in mind about the house style and font style.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Another shooting schedule for our filming

Tuesday 7th February- Filming-Sidcup high street after school - 3.30pm

we need to find : a WHITE wall

A cafe for our character to enjoy chatting and drinking together. We will then contrast this and film our actor on his own in the cafe looking down and depressed. Head shots to be done of each character, extreme close ups, close ups, medium shot and long shots.

Monday 13th - We are all going to meet at my house at 1:00 to finish our filming. We are going to shoot a variety of shots of the two actors together. In a cafe, In a house and walking outside. Our filming will show our actor Jake is looking back on his memories together, the shots then change to now where he is on his own thinking of the change his relationship has gone through.
Here is our set up of the camera and the tripod. The tripod was vital as we needed the camera to be totally still.

Here myself and Voke are listening to the music and explaining to Jake our actor what he has to do as he is not in our media class when we are planning.

New location

For our second shot at make a music video we are going to change the locations we used as the previous locations are not suitable for our new story. This time we are going to used:
Dartford high street is going to be used for most of the film. This is the location where Jake is going to look back on his life with his girl friend and look back on the happy times.
my house is going to be used for more memories of him and his girlfriend and also when he is getting ready for his girlfriends funeral. We are going to show the emotional break down he goes through and how can not cope with the state of change.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Change of plan

Lyrics | Bloc Party lyrics - Flux lyrics

Our story has TOTALLY changed we no longer have the stalker effect as it doesn't actually relate with the lyrics. We are now try to show the state of change and flux in a relationship. The video is about a boy who's girlfriend has died and he is looking back on his life with her, he then realises he left on his own now adding to the state of change. The chorus quotes, "we were hoping for some romance all we found was despair" we are going to add emphasis to the depression he is in and the state of flux he has been left in. Our actor is also going to sing the lyrics in the music video so that he looks like the artist, selling the video more.

We used a different video camera this time and found it much easier to use because it had easier buttons and zoom-ins.

We placed this into final cut to see if it worked well and if it didn't we were going to change it again. However, it worked very well in final cut after we changed the opacity.

Feedback from rough cut


When looking at our feedback we have been given for our rough cut of our music video we as a group have decided that we need to seriously think about our video and the changing of major parts.
Our feedback from our audience was:
  • Unclear narrative- making it hard to follow
  • Editing not matching
  • Strobe lighting scene was not visible enough
  • Needs to look more professional- instead of just walking through London
  • Performance? Needs to show the performer being more of an artist, promotional vehicle
  • More of a link with lyrics and visuals

We have a lot to be done. Even though what we wanted to be created was great in our heads on screen it looked amateur. We need to do more filming so that we can be comfortable while editing knowing that we have extra filming if we have parts that have not been filmed. We want flexibility when editing.

Things we are going to change:

We are going to make a link with the lyrics and the visuals better, as our video didn't actually match half of the lyrics. We should have thought about what the lyrics were insinuating and how we could have linked them in to the video.
We are also going to add more performance into our music video. We need the artist to be singing in the video so that the song promotes the artist as well as just the song. The more views of the artist the more fans are going to want to watch the video.
We are going to make the video as a whole look more professional and realistic by improving the editing and taking away the strobe lights. The strobe lights make it extremely hard to see what is actually going on in the Chorus.
The last thing we are going to do is make the story better known, for example at the moment viewers do not know why the girl is in the video we are going to ensure that it is easy to follow and know exactly why actors and actresses are involved in the video.

What we are going to keep the same:
We are happy with our actor and actress, we are going to keep them the same and some of the footage is really good with lighting and scenery so that will be kept as well.

Here we have already started editing our new video!