Thursday 29 December 2011

Risk assessment

Here I have made a risk assessment for when we travel up to Camden. This way I have ensured that we are safe and know what to do if something goes wrong. Here I have thought of all the possible things that could effect our filming.

Monday 12 December 2011


How we created our animatic

- Draw storyboard frames- firstly with pencil then bold black pen to enhance the photo
-Individual pictures were taken from a camera
-Uploaded onto our computer
-Placed into Photo shop and edited using brightness and contrast to further enhance the framing
-Import the photos into the editing programme- Final cut pro
- Place each image into the time line and cut the length of it
- Place our music "state of flux" into the audio time line
- Effects and transitions added- overlays, earthquake, fade in/out
-Export onto a video uploading programme
-Embed into our blogs

Thursday 8 December 2011


When researching into music video's I decided to research into the conventions of lighting. Artificial lighting is mostly used in music videos to add atmosphere and to show the shift from chorus and instrumental beat.
Artificial light is used in any genre music video. It is used mainly in both pop videos and Indie videos. In pop videos it is used for club scenes and enforces brightness and happiness. In Indie music videos the artificial lighting is used to add to the urban scene and the sense of loneliness and fear. Strobe lights are used a lot in Indie music videos.

Here are print screens of Ellie Golding - Lights and The horrors- still life that Sophie has put together. Both videos use a lot of cross dissolves for the effect of a futuristic feel. Ellie Golding and The horror are classed as Indie role models, close ups of her are used to sell the video. The colours change constantly through out the video added a mysterious look to the video. The different use of colours makes the video look unique. The cross dissolves are also used with many close ups of the artists. This makes the video more smooth.

Here is a picture that has been designed to show the use of lighting we will use in our music video. We aim to use strobe lights in our chorus.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Our Target Audience

Here I have designed a poster of what our target audience is like. When thinking up of the song and the music video I had my cousin in mind! She is the perfect fit. She has a Indie personality and style. Our target audience are a lot of girls and boys like her!

I have also put a picture under the poster of a indie male.
Indies like to shop at shops such as Top shop, Top man,Urban outfitters and All saints.
they use Online sources a lot and enjoy interacting with friends over Face book and Twitter.

After taking a picture of my cousin I thought I'd look into what thought :

Indie:Musically, Vampire Weekend, The Killers, The Klaxons, Glasvegas, Lily Allen, Pete Doherty, Friendly Fires, Bloc Party

Indie kids are particularly fond of bands with teenage members, like Cajun Dance Party or Laura Mauling, where there’s a small gap between the band and their audience.

Fashion of Indie Pop Artists:Fashion-wise, the uniform of Converse and skinny jeans, fringes, band T-shirts and lots of jewellery remains unchanged. Clothes are second-hand not vintage.


We sat together and come up with a target audience. We decided that our target audience would be people from 16-25 year old. Male and females. People this age will be interested in them music and understand the term INDIE. They will be able to relate with he mood and genre of the music. The music videos will also appeal to people in this age range.

When thinking of Target audience I also felt I had to think about the brand of my music video as well.
The target audience for my music video depends on my brand.

What makes Indie a unique brand? AND what target audience does the brand perceive?

Indie music video offers a different transformation and experience then most music. The mood of songs are usually mostly negative, upsetting and depressing. Our target audience get the find it EASY to relate to Indie music and the artist. The artist is usually close in age to the target audience making them feel more comfortable and being able to relate to them easier.

Target audience Profile ....
This is a typical outfit of an male Indie.

Inspiration and how it makes an Indie music video

As a group we discussed what our inspiration was. What sort of different conventions in music videos that we saw we wanted in out music video. And how they were in Indie videos.
Inspiration : Overlays
Holding up posters

A music video takes months to edit before itis shown on our TVs, this is just the same for us, it will take us a long time to edit the music video. We don't want to edit it the same way as everybody's, making our video seem the exact same to others and"typical". To get away from this opinion we are going to use overlays.
We looked at Overlays in Pixie Lott- Its all about tonight. She uses overlays to show the location of the video and herself, this adds something to the video that the audience do not usually see. This will keep them interested in the video.
The use of overlays adds a graceful pace of editing to the video. We hopeto use overlays in our music video although most of our song is fast pace, on the more slow pace I feel that overlays will have a huge effect.

After looking at overlays I also looked at the idea of holding up posters in the music video. As our video emphasis on the idea of stalking and paranoia we felt that holding up posters would be a great way of showing the actors and actresses feelings and getting points across to the viewers in a different way rather then just acting it out. We looked at bands such as The Fray and Sugar Babes, these bands hold up posters in their songs.
Sugar Babes- Ugly in this video they hold up posters saying "BEAUTIFUL"
We will be holding up posters saying things like "State of flux" and "wanted" to captivate the audience.

We looked at the sense of stalking for our video. We feel that the idea of stalking, paranoia and vulnerability will add to the lyrics that are sung. We will have an actress stalking an actor. We want the video to be about broken relationships and not being able to get over things.
We looked at the idea of stalking in Twilight and films that involved relationships that were over.

Location of where our video will be filmed



Here we have made a mood board and planned the places we are going to visit when we go to Camden Town. We have shown that we are going to use the train station for the beginning and ending of our video. We are also planning on our music video being in the evening so we have used pictures of Camden at night. We will be using Ally Ways and different roads that have Graffiti on the walls.
We felt that it was best to plan what we were going to do while in Camden so that once we got there we didn't waste time.
Next to the pictures are why we want to go to these destinations!

We are going to Camden in the christmas holiday to take our own pictures of the location. I will upload soon!!!

Friday 2 December 2011


Before we get started I have decided to pitch our idea for the music video to you!!

The song we are creating a music video for is Flux- Bloc Party. My group is myself, Vicky Gordon, Sophie Jansen and Voke Oyeye. All three of these are my close friends, meaning this is an advantage when making the music video as we know each others truth and weakness's.

The song its self is a fast paced song about romance. The main lyrics in the song are "State of Flux". The song lyrics tell us a story about how a relationship is falling apart and they need to try and sort it out. However random lyrics are also added in, such as "I saw my father in second grade" so we have decided to make the video quite bizarre and "crazy".

We are going to have a main actor and a actress who is the stalker. She is going to follow him every where he goes making him feel paranoid and confused. As sometimes when he turns round she won't be there.

. The girl will be following the boy around Camden town, putting up pictures of him sayinf "Wanted!" and following him around the train station. The same scene will be shown for every chorus. This will be when he is shown in a room that is filled with pictures of both of them and love quotes wrote all over the walls.

This video is all about the sense of paranoia and vulnerability. Hopefully with all of our knowledge on Indie music videos our music video will be a hit!

we have chosen to shoot in Camden because, the setting is exactly what we want! We want a busy place where there will be lots of rushing and bumping into each other. We have decided to go there when the trains will be most busy. We also liked the look of Camden at night. It has a spooky, stillness and empty atmosphere about it.


I'll keep you updated on how its going!