Thursday 24 November 2011

Bloc party

Bloc party are the band that sing our song "Flux". This is how our actor is going to look. As in similar clothing, personality and hair style through out the music video.
Bloc Party are a British Indie band. Their brand of music is said to have been drawn from such bands as Mogwi, The Cure, Joy Division, Sonic Youth and in their more recent work, Radiohead.
The band was formed at the 1999 at Reading Festivalby Okereke and Lissack.

The band was formed in 1999 but just recently in 2011 Kele Okereke thought he had been kicked out of Bloc Party. Almost six months after the band announced they would reunite for a new album, their singer issued the bizarre claim that Bloc Party are recording without him.

About Flux
Kele Okereke told the New Musical Express October 20, 2007: "It's about trying to recognize that a moment has passed between people. It canapply to personal and professional relationships. It's the hardest thing recognizing that something that was there isn't any more."
This is exactly what we are trying to portray in our music video. As Kele Okereke the leader of the band said it is about recognizing something that was there isn't any more. In out music video we are including a stalker. This is one way we show this quote, the stalker finds it hard to realise that her relationship is over and becomes obsessed, making our actor feel paranoid and vulnerable. We also added a different way of portraying this quote, we wanted to add a sense of illusion by making the actor feel that he is seeing things. One minute he sees the stalker and the next she is gone. This is another different way of showing "something that was there isn't anymore"

Here is the track cover of "Flux", although it is a cover that does not consist of the band on the front it still shows parts of the song and sums up the song really well. It has the name of the band and the name of the song up in the top left corner, the heading is in white writing on a black background. This allows the text to stand out no matter what font or size it is because of the colour contrast. Underneath this there is a picture of a building with all the lights on and lights outside of the building on. This has been put onto the black background too. I feel this has been done so that it shows what the song is about in a different way rather than having a heartbroken, vulnerable person on the front. It shows the stages of a hard time. How there can be dark times and light times standing for bad times and good times. It shows the contrast of how happy you can be when things are going right and how down you can be when they are not. It also shows in a different interesting way the difference between being scared confused and alone and being safe, comfortable and happy. They do this by the huge difference between the black background and the bright building. 

Friday 18 November 2011

Story board

Here we are working as a team and discussing our story board ideas, as you can see we have already made good progress with the story board.
Myself and Sophie Jansen also recorded ourselves having a conversation discussing our story board and our ideas for the story board. Vicky and Voke were drawing the pictures for the story board whilst me and Sophie were thinking of new ideas to discuss with the both of them. This is how our planning came about.

Here we designed an animatic drawing of our video before we actually went out and filmed the video. We did this to get a sense of what our video was going to look like. This way if there were parts we didn't like we could change them now rather than having to re-film!
Myself and Sophie thought up of the story line and the main artists of the group Vicky and Voke added in their input and designed the pictures once we had agreed. We worked as a team doing this and all had individual tasks.After this will put the pictures into Final Cut and made an animatic video out of it. Myself and Vicky did the editing as we felt this was our strength. Our other group members gave input on things we were not sure on.
Now that we have completed the anitmated video we just need to film !!

Monday 14 November 2011

Our Actress

Actress: Emily Fry
Why?: I am the actress in the music video. In the music video I am our actors stalker, I have been chosen to be the actress because the rest of the group feel that I have a distincitve look and distincitive hair that added together with clothing can stand out, so that it is clear to the audience and viewers that I am always in the shot and always following Jake our actor. This was an important thing for us to think about. I also feel that I will be able to act well in the video.

Our Actor

Actor: Jake
Age: 17
Why?:Here are pictures of the Actor that we are actually going to use in our music video, we have decided to use Jake because we feel he meets the indie look we are looking for. He has the dress sense and tattoos that I said the Indie culture consists of in a previous post. He also has mannerisms and characteristics of a Indie teenager, this means although of course he will have to act, he may find it easier than some one else who isn't so Indie.
The first picture is his tattoo, this is a bold statement of Indie, not just a tattoo but more whats in the tattoo a skull and flowers add to the Indie vibe and are now a must have in the Indie world! The third picture shows his style, this is the type of style we are going for in our music video just with a jacket on, seeing as most of our video will be filmed in the evening.
The second picture is to show the behaviour of jake, our video is about the Indie scene and needs to be pretty outragous, with acting from Jake I feel we will be able to do this!