Thursday 29 September 2011

Editing in music videos

Editing in music videos creates meaning, it shapes the video and tells us a meaning whether its narrative or performance based.
''The important thing to remember is that the purpose of editing is to reduce the source material down to a more manageable size and to try and create a story of the events you captured.'' quote by The Guardian.
There are many aspects of editing that are used in a music video, especially in a INDIE music video like the video we are making.
Aspects such as transitions, lengths of shots, long shots and close ups are used. Other type of aspects are also shown such as who has the star persona, use of close ups to show instruments and who is privileged in the shots.

The way shots are joined together in a music video is called the transition. Transitions are very important. The most common transition is the cut, the cut transition means when one shot cuts instantly to the next, this is used in many Indie music videos, when telling a story within the video, it helps viewers understand the song and shows them whats going on in the music video. Cut transitions are used in The Scripts song "Nothing" showing how the lead singer is making his way home to apologise to his girlfriend. Other transitions such as cross fade, wipes and digital effects can sometimes be used.

( Here is the Transition of the member in Rizzle kicks looking down and the next cut shown is the girl looking up at him)

Lengths of shots
The length of shots is an important consideration that can greatly affect a music video. The purpose of editing any given song is to create a representation of the way the song might be perceived by the band. Shots with a longer duration can make a part of the song seem more relaxed and slower paced. Shots with a shorter duration can make a scene seem urgent and faster paced. Long shots and Close ups

Long shots are used when showing the whole of a band in a music video, this shows the whole band together, adding realism for the audience that this is the band singing. This is used often in a Indie music video because an indie video usually consists of a band and long shots can easily include the whole band. Close ups are also used often in indie video because a few close ups of each band member help sell the music video. The audience want to see as much of the band as they can in a music video because the band its self is the reason why they are fans, the more close ups of the band, the more the fans are going to want to watch the music video. There is a great demand fro close ups of the performers in the music industry.

Other aspects such as Use of close ups on instruments are used in an indie music video often. The use of close ups on an instrument when the instrument can easily be heard adds to the sound its making, because the fans can watch the band member making the sound that's making a huge positive difference to the music for example a note on the guitar could make the whole song.
Most of the time the main band member, such as the lead vocalist is most privileged in the music video.

Your footage might be great, but it'll only become a great video through editing. To do a good job you'll need patience, time and more patience. You'll need to decide the 'feel' and pace of the video. Will it be made up of long sweeping shots, or quick sharp edits? Do you want to follow the mood of the song and edit to the music or do you want the video to contrast with the track?
The following is a list of MTV video music awards winners for Best Editing in a Video.

2000 Aimee Mann "Save Me" Dylan Tichenor
2001 Fatboy Slim "Weapon of Choice" Eric Zumbrunnen
2002 The White Stripes "Fell in Love with a Girl" Mikros & Duran
2003 The White Stripes "Seven Nation Army" Olivier Gajan
2004 Jay-Z "99 Problems" Robert Duffy
2005 Green Day "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" Tim Royes
2006 Gnarls Barkley "Crazy" Ken Mowe
2007 Gnarls Barkley "Smiley Faces" Ken Mowe
2008 Death Cab for Cutie "I Will Possess Your Heart" Aaron Stewart-Ahn and Jeff Buchanan
2009 Beyoncé "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" Jarrett Fijal
2010 Lady Gaga "Bad Romance" Jarrett Fijal
2011 Adele "Rolling in the Deep" Art Jones at Work

The most recent one, Adele- Rolling in the Deep

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Brain storm of INDIE


Indie- what is an Indie video??????

An Indie video is defined by the clothes that the actors wear-
- Skinny jeans
- Parker coats
- Checked shirts
The actions that take place-
-taking drugs
-heart-brake/vulnerability and paranoia
The pace of the editing -
-not fast like RNB rap
- Not slow and happy like POP

Monday 26 September 2011

Conventions of a INDIE music video

Indie: In an indie music video there is often a mixture of narrative and performance and sometimes the whole band performs such as in the music video "OLYMPIC AIRWAYS" by Foals and other times just the main vocalist sings.
When Indie music videos do have a narrative they are often quite symbolic and do not amplify the lyrics.In an Indie music video there is:
- Special effects are sometimes used.
-There is a variety of close ups to show the main artist singing and other band mates performing as well as wide shots of the whole band.
-The colour of the video changes depending on the lyrics of the song and the tempo of the music it can be bright, dark and sometimes black and white.
-Editing is usually quite fast paced, the cuts are quick.
-The band wears casual clothing, clothing that only suits them.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

MY chosen song- Bloc party- Flux

If your right hand is causing you pain
Cut it off cut it off
If your colours have started to run
Let them all run, run away from you
There is lightning in this room
Above our heads waiting to strike
Im a thinker not a talker
Put your faith, your faith in God

( Here the song is being interpreted as if to say, if something is causing you pain, get rid of it. Also the singer is telling the audience that he doesn't talk about things like his feelings and for a relationship to work people should put their faith in god rather then waiting for him to talk things through.)

We were hoping for some romance
All we found was more dispair
We must talk about our problems
We are in a state of Flux

(The chorus shows what the couple were hoping for and now what they have, using the song title "flux" he goes on to say how he must talk about his problems.)

Id kill for an adventure
Just you and I in the Curzon Bar
Dancing till we knew
So all that we've learnt disappeared
When you shouted at me
I saw my father in the second grade
Concerned and kind
But yet unable to reach me

(Here he is explaining how he wants to go on an adventure, possibly back to old times, so that all they have learnt disapears and they no longer go by rules. Here he says that his partner was concerned and kind but unable to reach him, this shows a breakdown of communication)

We were hoping for some romance
All we found was more dispair
We must talk about our problems
We are in a State of Flux

State of Flux [x9]

We need to talk [x5]

We were hoping for some romance
All we found was more dispair
We must talk about our problems
We are in a state of Flux

Over all when listening to this song I feel that it gives the impression about a relationship starting to crumble and trys to show them what they should do to fix things.

Foals- Olympic Airways Analysis

Here I have completed an Analysis of the music video Olympic Airways. Looking at how the video interprets the lyrics, how camera angles are used, lighting is used and settings are captured.
The video its self is 4 minutes and 23 seconds long. In terms of Muse en scence the band do a performance video in a field, in the middle of the trees in a place that they have found to settle down and live. The setting of the field is messy in a way that it is obvious to tell that it has been lived in. Beds, clothes, a bike and things such as food and drinks are laying around the place.

The lighting of the setting is natural light, its sunny and broad day light through out the whole video, natural light is used through out it all giving the emphasis of the band living out side all the time in the field. Through out the music video, shots are varied, long shots of the band far away, laying down with other people who are meant to be friends that are living there too are used. A long shot of the band is used when showing the scene around them. This is a clever way of showing all the band and the scene.

Also Close ups of the band are used when they are actually performing. They are filmed in the field having fun with friends. When they are performing close ups of the band are used, making the video more impressionable on the fans, fans want to be able to see the band in a video making the music video more meaningful to them. Close ups show the expression on the band memebers faces. Many of them look dazed and confused. Close ups are a great vechicle to seel the band.

Close ups of their instruments are shown when the sound of a certain instrument is heard specifically, for example during the video, the electric guitar is the dominant instrument played at one point so a close up of one of the band members playing it is shown. Close ups of individual band members are also shown, this helps for if fans have a favorite band member.

The cuts of the video, are at quite a fast pace, this is due to the video adding to the lyrics, all of it together is quite crazy and cereal. The pace of cuts are determined on the genre or music. For example a RNB song will have a fast pace to it and the cuts will be faster. Where as a slow genre song will have more cross dissolves rather than cuts. The cuts themselves lead to different band members doing individual things such as riding a bike through the field, and other band members with friends and extras in the video. One cut leads to all of the band and extras sitting in a film facing the camera with the band singing this is a different way of performing and shows an effective way of individualism. Some times the band are shown to be "chilling out" and relaxing.
The editing has been over cranked in one part of the video. This is when the band are all ins low motion. The back ground of the video is over cranked while one of the band members is singing slowly. The lyrics sung at this point is "An avery forever, An avery forever. Forever Forever" The pace of the editing drives the music and the music with this song has a slow and calm beat. Also it makes the lyrics more realistic. The pace of the music determins the editing.

The video overall consists of odd props such as an octopus, a childs bike, a mirror in a field. When put together they seem a strange combination of props to use with in a music video but when actually seen with in the video they fit in a make sense because they can be things that are used when living some where and also they add a sense of messed up and weird that a lot of fans like to see to keep the video interesting.
The video ends with the band and extras letting off balloon while sitting down in a field.

Monday 19 September 2011

Foals- Olympic Airways

Suns up, we wait,
All day

Suns up, we wait,
All day
All day, the house-hide?s kept away

If only we could move away, from here,
This is how we build a place, an aviary for today,
An aviary for today

Let?s disappear till tomorrow,
Let?s disappear till tomorrow

Dis-a-ppe-ar! ar! ar! ar!

Blow up these fake parades let?s go,
To an aviary far from home,
To an aviary far from home

A one hand clap is me and you (anew?)
And you
And you
And you

While the hell-side?s kept away,
If only we?d moved away


(Rock out part then build up)

Sun down now we have built our place,
An aviary, forever
An aviary, forever


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The overall point in these lyrics is showing that they have found a vacation to stay for a while but they are being moved away. The lyrics are not very specific, which I feel is quite good so that we have many more options as to how to do our music video.

When listening to the video, as a group we decided that a urban countryside would be best to shoot the video rather then in a busy city like London. We also thought as the lyrics do not tell much of a story we would do a mainly performance video with a band we know. We will still put in some narrative, that includes the band. The decision to do the performance was also made on the fact that we want them to pretend to be this band, meaning the fans would want to see them in the video.

We decided that once our choice out of both songs had been decided we would extend on our thoughts for either video that we have chose.


Song choices

To choose a song that isn't very well known but popular enough for one to know how to research it makes it hard to find a song because a lot of them are too well known and typical. To research a song we tried lots of different ways, first we tried looking on youtube and typing in the least well known bands we could think of, when this was unsuccessful due to realizing that although there not well known to us there actually very popular and well known to many other people.
We then decided that we would go onto
Adverts and TV programes such as Hollyoaks to find songs that have been played before that we like the sound of. Although we do not all have the same taste, we all decided that we would put our different song genres aside and choose the song we feel we will all get the best a-level out of.

Here are our song choices.... now we have to just choose one.


Here we are planning to do a music video. my group, consisting of myself Emily, Voke, Sophie and Victoria have decided that the genre of music we are going for is indie. I decided before we started that I would re-capture "indie".
'In popular music, indie music (from independent) is any o
f a number of genres, scenes, subcultures and stylistic and cultural attributes, characterised by (real or perceived) independence from commercial pop music and mainstream culture and an autonomous, do-it-yourself (DIY) approach'
'The term "indie" is often used to mean a sound that a musician presents, but when interpreted more literally, it is the way that sound is presented or made. "Indie" often refers to an artist or band that is not part of the mainstream culture and/or making music outside its influence. Though the sound of these bands may differ greatly, the "indie" definition comes from the do-it-yourself attitude and ability to work outside large corporations.'

Click on picture for the term of INDIE.